Monday, August 9, 2010


In this great big Blogging world I have been a lurker for over a year. When I got pregnant I started to read all the Mommy (and Daddy) blogs attempting to glimpse into the magical world of parenthood.

Then I started to read some fabulous cooking blogs. Then design. Back again to parenting. Even flirted with some weight loss blogs as I was trying to loose the baby weight (still trying!).

I love to write, I love to read, I have SO many ideas swirling around in my head. I started this blog months ago and I now have approximately 97431790 post drafts. I never publish because as a reformed English major I am incredibly critical of the way my thoughts project to others.

I realized that is silly! Why?
1- This is a blog that no one reads- like not even The Hubs.
2- Isn't the point of a blog to just say it how it is.
3- Practice makes better and so my writing will continue to be a glimmer of its old self unless I do it and let it all hang out there.

So without further ado: I'm emerging from my hiding spot as a lurker. I will join in on this crazy e-conversation about life.

I know this is all very exciting and has totally made your day- just you wait there is plenty more to come!

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